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Global Energy Infrastructure's Construction Boxscore Database Frequently Asked Questions:

How does Boxscore collect information about new and updated projects?

The bulk of Information comes directly from survey we send to the operators, licensors, engineering, and construction companies associated with each project. We also gather information through company press releases and wires, as well as, respected news sources around the globe. All projects are checked and verified before they are published.  

How do I know when a project has been updated recently?

The latest project information is posted to the Boxscore subscriber home page daily.  This list gives all new and updated projects that have been posted in the last seven days. Boxscore users also have the ability to search new and updated projects by time frames. This tool will allow subscribers to access the latest data at any time.

Where can I find the latest new projects and project updates?

Once a user is logged in, new and updated projects are displayed on the subscriber’s home page. Subscribers can export this information into CSV or Excel format. Subscribers can also use the advanced search function to search for new projects by date. A calendar tool allows users the ability to select dates for their search criteria.  Users can search by new projects or for the latest updated information.

What information is displayed on each project?

Once a search is completed, the results are displayed on the user’s screen. Users can access the project’s data display page by clicking on the project name. The project display page will supply the user with information such as the companies involved in the project (operator, owner, engineering, licensing, construction) as well as other companies involved in the project, if known. Additional project information includes the project’s name, status, location, capacity, completion dates, investment, maintenance/expansion codes, type, contract type (EPC, licensing, etc.), scope, project background and timeline, financials, as well as additional active projects at that specific location.

Does estimated completion time refer to the project as a whole or the status the project is currently in?

Completion dates generally refer to the commissioning of the entire project, unless otherwise noted in the project’s scope or additional information section.

Can I save my searches?

Yes.  Users can save their reports in two ways. Reports can automatically be saved on the site itself.  This allows users to revert back to those searches at any time. Users can also export their searches to CSV or Excel.

Do you have information about future projects?

Boxscore will list all active projects including projects that are in the proposal phase. All known data about the future project will be displayed to users. Additional project information will also be located in the project’s scope section. This includes proposals to expand, revamp or construct new facilities at that location should there be any.

Are there contact details for projects?

Yes. Boxscore actively collects contact data to key personnel.  All contact data is posted on each project’s data page, when available.

What is the difference between a Quick and Advanced Search?

The Quick Search allows user to select broad search criteria such as an entire region, industry, company or time frame. The Advance Search function allows users the ability to breakdown those categories into individual listings. Users can select specific countries/states, process units, companies, time frames, project investment, etc. 

Can I share my login information?

Login sharing is not permitted and will result in the freezing of the subscriber’s access. Because of this security function, Boxscore offers competitive multi-user, corporate and global site licenses. These licenses provide full access for multiple individuals, or companies, at a much more cost effective rate than purchasing individual subscriptions. All multi-user and site license subscription queries can be directed to Ed Bramwell, Head of Data Sales.

Does the Boxscore Database track Press Releases?

Yes. The Boxscore posts press releases in the Project News section.  Boxscore users can access this area to view all posted press releases on project news from around the globe. 



For subscriptions or a demo:

Sam Hassaniyeh
Subscription Executive
Phone: +44 203 4092242

For questions or to give feedback:

Thad Pittman
Senior Researcher
Phone: +1 (713) 525-4605

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